Dazed and Confused

The Church of Jesus Christ is dazed and confused.  Not knowing what to do since the election was stolen from President Trump in November 2020 and January 2021.  Some of the Church is likely waiting for a pre-Antichrist-appearing rapture, but it won’t happen. So, what should the Church of Jesus Christ be doing?  They should vigorously recognize the times they are in and then pray accordingly for the Leaders that the Lord wants to send them. This is what the believers in God did before the crisis presented by the Flood; and when the Israelites were in terrible slavery in…

All the Prophets Must Get Stoned

“What Happened?” With apologies to Bob Dylan’s “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35”.  Since I made predictions about President Trump that have not come to pass, I need to address that.  I have not delayed due to fear, but rather, working 51 of the last 54 days (I have a full time secular job).  I will address my blog entries of 10/22/20, 10/26/20, 11/30/20 and 1/3/21, but first, some background: I had no idea that Donald Trump would run for, or become, President back in 2015 when he announced.  I never followed him; I only knew of one comment he…

Who is on the Lord’s Side?

Does the Lord have an Opinion about what is Happening in the World? The Lord does have an opinion and He has stated it clearly to us in His Word.  God will eventually judge the world for its wickedness; but, do we know what will trigger the Lord’s final judgment?  What sins will He judge?  When will He judge?  Why is He waiting to judge, and what should we be doing in the meantime while we are waiting for Him to take matters into His hands? The New Testament Key We like to view the “the God of the Old…

The United States of America’s Role in the Last Days

The United Sates of America is referred to in the Bible, but not by that name.  This was first brought to my attention 4 years ago by Rev. Irvin Baxter, Jr. of Endtime Ministries, and I agree with all of his conclusions, which follow; my comments in [brackets]:  In Daniel 7:1-7, Daniel states, “In the first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon Daniel saw a dream and visions in his mind as he lay on his bed; then he wrote the dream down and related the following summary of it.   Daniel said, ‘I was looking in my vision by…

On what day does the Bible imply that Jesus was born?

This is not original with me; I read it from someone, but I don’t recall who.  The Bible gives clues, facts, and general patterns of God to allow us to determine when Jesus was actually born.  It works like this: Luke 1:5 says Zacharias, John the Baptist’s father, was of the “division of Abijah.”  That phrase was from 1 Chronicles 24:1 and 10. The word “divisions” is from the 1st verse.   Verse 3 says David himself divided the the priestly lots, for the times of their service in the Temple (which was the highest honor for any priest).  …